Maundy Thursday Moon.

I have to confess I did feel a bit tired this morning after yesterdays various jobs. However I did manage to potter around in the morning and watch Mr Tbay working much harder than me! 

After lunch I had a rest which was only halted by a telephone appointment from my Doctor to say I can once more reduce my steroid medication. This is good news as hopefully I will off the darn things by July. 

I managed to rub down another external window this afternoon too. Hopefully I can get a coat of undercoat on it first thing in the morning. 

We finished off the day by having an impromptu BBQ at Miss Tbays which was lovely. As I let Pip out for her evening stroll I noticed the ‘ pink ’ moon peeping through the trees. Quite a colour. Mr Tbay must be credited for this shot which does show the amazing colour.

No lambs again!

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