Soooooooooo. Just before we came back from our trip to England, Nan gave me one of her rings. It fit perfectly, rose gold with 3 little amethyst's set into it, it was perfect. 
But in need of a clean. So when we got home I took it to a jeweller to be cleaned. Not quite a month later one of the amethyst's had fallen out. I was gutted. A few weeks later I managed to spot the amethyst hiding on the kitchen counter top. 
So after the madness of Christmas I took it back to the jeweller for them to fit the stone back in. Picked it back up at the beginning of March and was assured it would be safe to wear, so wear it I did. And then two days ago it had fallen back out again. This time I was very upset. No chance of finding such a teeny tiny little pink stone again. 
Then today as I was running the vacuum around and keeping my eyes on the floor...just incase...I found it! Teeny tiny, sitting on the carpet. Lucky doesn't even cover it. I thought for sure I'd have more luck winning the lottery than finding the lost amethyst again. 
Now though, once it's been fixed again I don't think I'll wear it for fear of loosing the stone for good. 

On other news, this little dude has cut his top two teeth. His butts been on fire from the acidic poop (poor little tyke), still he smiles through it all. 

P.S this photo has been taken with the Fujinon 55mm f1.8 which usually lives on my Pentax Spotmatic but every now and again I pop it on the Canon with the use of an adapter. Manual focus (which I really struggle with) I love, love, love this bit of glass. 

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