Lockdown: Day 18

An early start and I was at Tesco just after 7 o’clock for a few essentials ……. cream cakes and chocolate. I did buy veg and salad too. 

The refund voucher from Sainsbury’s arrived in my inbox.  (If you missed the reason see blip for 8th).

During the morning we watched the bluetits at work. They’re taking nest material into the new bird box.

In the afternoon a walk down the hill, through the park and part way along the under Loughrigg road. Then back along a narrow footpath which I was wary about but there were no other users. 

A very strange feeling being out. It was so quiet I felt as if I should be staying at home like most others. I’ve made a collage of shots which represent the feel of the area. It was impossible to choose just one. 

Top left going clockwise: police presence, main car park, from Miller Bridge, playground.

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