
By Madchickenwoman


Oscar and I were having a lovely walk along the river then up through the woods with Oscar for once wading through the streams either side! Must be the hot weather! At one point I thought of dabbling my feet in the stream - but on putting my hand in the water decided it was too cold so went for a photograph instead. Unfortunately as I was making my way back onto the path I slipped on the wet and mossy stones and came crashing down! Oh my shin hurt! I sat holding it for quite a while before setting up the slope to Nellie of The Woods house! I found a long stick to help me up the steep path and called to Nellie. I really didn't want to break her isolation but it was another 30 mins walk home and I really didn't think I could or should make it! Thankfully she didn't mind and Oscar and I clambered into the back of her car amongst planks of wood, saws and something rusty!! 
Once home I covered the bloody bits in savlon and the bruised bits in Arnica! Then I arranged cover for the hens and The Exile to walk Oscar later in the afternoon! I replied to a What's App message from my sister and told her what had happened - unfortunately my predictive text changed
 " savlon" on my leg to salmon! Made my sister laugh on and off for the rest of the afternoon! 
Come late afternoon The Exile called to take Oscar but my leg felt ok so I walked at a suitable distance behind her - bit of a mistake because once I got back my leg was throbbing! But at least no hen duty meant later I could go out the front of the house and clap for the NHS. 
I was stunned to read that in Manchester that the police stopped 497 parties - including ones with DJ's and bouncy castles! What with that and the various MP's caught travelling to their second homes I had to wonder what sort of mentality such people had - stupidity, ignorance, arrogance. It would be laughable if the consequences for them and others wasn't so potentially serious. 

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