Small Orange Tip butterfly

on the Honesty plant, I followed the flipping thing all over until stayed still long enough for me to take just the one picture of it.
This plant is also known as 
Honesty, Moonwort, Money Plant, Lunaria annua

Had a longish walk with Tanzy today round the streets, she is getting much better with other dogs and people, we stood chatting with a chap I often see who has a collie (safe distance of course) and a chat with a neighbour , well it made a change to actually chat with another human being.

Did a lot of odd jobs today in and around the garden, and read my book in-between jobs.

By the amount of skips I see popping up by the time we are back to normal houses and garages will have been de-cluttered, gardens will be pristine and some houses decorated from top to bottom. 

That's all, good night
Another day nearer.

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