In A Fog 2

Apparently I've used that title before.  Maybe I should have titled it Overexposed and Out Of Focus.  As that would have been more timely.  There was something about this overexposed and fuzzy photo that spoke to the way the last few weeks have been.  And through it all spring does what it should and the hours tick by and the days followed by the weeks.  It's all very surreal when I stop to think of how much life has shrunk.  There seems to be hopeful news, but time will tell.  Some have it so hard and so there is no need to complain, but just accept and look ahead.  My mom's favorite saying was "This too shall pass".  

I went back and forth about which picture to post and what the title should be so I put the other in Extras - the title of that would be In It Together. 
Stay well Blip friends and have a pleasant weekend.

Thanks to Anni (Bikerbear) for keeping this favorite challenge going strong.

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