
By D77

So very easily amused

Thanks to the extra hard work we put into organising our wedding over the last 6 weeks, now there is very little to do except pay for things and take care of the small details.

This morning we got the flowers sorted and paid for. Extortion is a suitable word for that experience. I have suggested to Larissa on a number of occasions that a Playstation 3 would be a much wiser investment than flowers (purple) that will be looked at for half an hour before withering away. She knows I'm joking, but still...

After the flower meeting, Larissa had a two-hour appointment with her beautician to sort her nails and eyebrows out. I used this time to hunt for an elusive purple (to go with the flowers) shirt whilst getting easily sidetracked in videogame shops. I had my first glimpse today of a little gadget that slots into the Nintendo DS enabling you to download and play games (illegally, I guess) but don't know enough about it to warrant a purchase. Instead I ordered Madworld for the Wii and will furiously try and finish Dragon Quest V and Call of Duty 5 before it arrives. (I also have GTA Chinatown Wars and Chrono Trigger coming out with my Mum and Sandy next week; so many games, so little time).

Picked up Larissa (complete with 'Electric Blue' nails) and hit Darcy's Kitchen for a spot of lunch where we bumped into Oli and Hayley (lovely couple, and relatively new in the friendship stakes despite knowing them for a while; we do quite a lot together these days which is nice) before being dragged into a kitchen shop. I amused myself with my reflection in this kettle and managed to convince Oli of the childish amusement to be had aswell.

Down then to the Marina to pay for the Dhow Boat we've hired for the wedding day. We thought it would be nice to watch the sun go down whilst sipping Cava in all our wedding finery.

After that, off to the shops again where I found the perfect shirt for the wedding. I hummed and hawed about whether or not to get a suit made, wear a kilt or opt for the traditional eveningwear waistcoat get-up. In the end, I decided I'd rather just be comfortable and so with it being a little bit hotter in April, I'll be wearing my favourite suit which just so happens to be the one that Larissa fancies the pants of me in.

A few bits and bobs later (in the form of glasses and flutes) we were back home for a well deserved feet-up in front of Die Hard 4.0 with Bruce on top form.


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