
Really early this year the lakes ice covers have melted!
The Näsijärvi lake, as well as our small lake nearby, are both free of ice today.

Summer is soon here, as also our own migratory bird, free as a bird, the robin, has arrived. I was so delighted to see it. And I hear it's voice through the window.

I do not know which one is the best news to Blip, but after all I choose Robin. Lakes in the extra!


Ps. Bad news is that I can not start my holiday after the Easter. So busy times, boss asked to delay it a bit. So be it.

Ps for the Corona records: some hopes that the Uusimaa-region could be free area again. Too early to my opinion. The area has been isolated due the leading amount of contaminations.
Anyway the isolation has been only a comedy, as the people of Uusimaa -region have been using small roads (with no police or army guards) when traveling to their summer cottages into other regions...

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