
By blipblog

Search me

We're pleased as punch to announce a major upgrade to the Blipfoto search engine (well, when we say 'upgrade' we really mean a completely-new, rebuilt-from-the-ground-up, super-sexy Blipfoto search engine). You'll find it on the home page, nestled between the 'browse entries' and 'browse journals' tabs at the bottom of the screen.

Like everything else in Blipland, its beauty is in its simplicity. There are no fiddly pop-up menus or multiple-field-queries - just one simple box (neutral grey, of course) which lets you find anything you need.

But don't be fooled by its external minimalism, hidden inside are some superhuman search abilities. Try searching for 'tagged 365', 'by me last month', or 'by Joe about Bella', for example. Go and give it a whirl and you'll find a more detailed list of tips.

If you encounter any problems, have any comments or questions, please pop over to the forums and add them to this thread.

That's it - enjoy!

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