Apologies ...

I have always disliked having my photo being taken.  I did this to send to the children to wish them happy Easter. If you can’t be a little daft for the little ones, when can you?... although I might have scared them too :-))

Tonight we had our weekly quiz night with the family via zoom and hosted by Lucy. I partnered with Rebecca as Mo was called into work. It’s always lovely to ‘see’ them and can’t wait until we can meet up properly.

A note for my journal...

Some of you are aware that we live in a lodge within a cemetery and today they have started building a large complex between our house and the chapel, a temporary morgue to help ease the load on the overstretched hospitals. They started arriving at 7am and worked solidly until about 5pm getting the structure up including a 7ft fence surrounding the area.

I’ve not left the house since 23rd March, apart from strolls around our ‘grounds’ (which has now been closed to the public apart from funerals....last weekend it was used as a park by some). I feel very selfish but at the same time feel anxious about the whole situation (which I’m sure many others are too). I’m doing as I’m told and staying home and if others do to than the quicker we can get back to some form of normality.

Take care all you lovely blippers xx

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