Happy Easter !

Fat Burning . . . Vibration Training . . . Flexi Posture . . . if these mean anything to you . . . read on.
The image today could be an instrument of torture . . . but it is a flexi-bar . . . designed to provide strengthening exercise without a huge load . . . and keep you flexible ! If you want to see it in action . . . click here . . . but remember when I use it with a leg lift at the same time I usually . . . fall over.
I have not used it for years but now it is part of my daily routine. This may have to do for a while . . . Has anyone else received an at-risk letter from the NHS . . . and does it mean total isolation in the home and garden . . . or is some outdoor and remote exercise allowed ?
Any interpretive help much appreciated. I may have to cycle in small circles around the small garden.

Hope you all have a grand and safe week ahead !

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