RSD Photo's SoCal Life

By rsdphotography

A Matched Pair

The first "good" lens I bought when I switched to digital 15 years ago was a Canon L-series 24-105 f/4. I bought this back in 2007 and it has been my workhorse, walking around lens ever since. I had it repaired twice the past 13 years, focusing problems both times, but when the aperture stopped working a year ago (it would only function wide open) I decided enough was enough and stuck it in a drawer. I, however, missed this general purpose lens a great deal, so when my wife visited the U.S. right before the virus madness began, I ordered a new, used version of my favorite lens for her to bring back. I found my original 24-105 while cleaning today and put them side by side for a comparison photo. The new one, with the readable markings, is the lens on the right and it cost a third of the original's price.

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