Command Center

The weather, with corresponding moods, has been a bit dreary the last few days. This morning began the same way with fog and a wet mist but it cleared off earlier than yesterday  and we were moved to get out the porch cushions and the colorful rug. We brushed and swept and wiped, and soon had everything looking quite spring like out there so I sat and read the paper for awhile. That didn't last long because there was absolutely nothing in either of two Sunday papers that didn't relate in some way to the Covid 19 virus. There's one way to feel that life is almost normal, and that is by avoiding the news altogether. 

During the day, we have done pretty well with the small screen...alternating Zoom Pilates classes and recorded 10 or 20 minute weight sessions or ab sessions or yoga sessions, with Zoom coffee meetings and cocktail hours. Sometimes I listen to the radio (which  also has a remote control) but I usually listen to it in the car as I run errands. I have been in my car a total of two times in the last month. 

In the evening  we settle before the television. We watch just enough news to find out that nothing has changed much since yesterday...the curve is, or is not flattening, nobody really knows when or where  this virus really started because nationalism has even taken over the management of a  pandemic pitting countries against each other in the search for supplies/a cure/ an antibody test...

When we're satisfied that nothing is really new, we turn our attention to something lighter. Last night as we were binge watching the last episodes of The Crown, I was struck by the line-up, not just of devices, but of the controls required to operate those devices. on the table. We talked about the 'good old days' when one had a choice of three channels (ABC, CBS and NBC) and actually had to get up, walk across the room and turn a dial to change the station or change the volume. Does anybody remember the test pattern that come on the screen at about 10pm following the end of programming and the playing of the Star Spangled Banner?

Now we have hundreds and hundreds of channels, mostly loaded with drivel we have no interest in watching...ever. But we can do it without moving anything much more than an elbow. We have watched so many episodes of 'Shetland', 'Vera' and 'Endeavor' that I feel we have seen them all before, even if we haven't. I'm pretty sure I could rivalAnn Cleves in an attempt at plot twists, quirky characters and unique locations. 

On the other hand, I listened to a podcast today called 'The Hidden Brain' about how simply watching something like painting a picture  and gives one false confidence. Anybody remember Bob Ross, the creator of a television show called The Joy of Painting? He talked soothingly about what he was doing as he painted a beautiful landscape. He made it look so easy that after watching him do it a few times I felt that I could do a pretty decent job of it,  only to discover that it isn't nearly as easy as it looks.

There are no sports to watch either, but here is a good alternative ....Our neighbors across the street had a different approach  They told us that they watched Netflix Movies all day long today. John said he would fall asleep. They said they did....

Easter just doesn't seem like something one reads about in the paper or participates in via Zoom, so I offer the picture of one chocolatier's version of the Easter Bunny instead

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