knit 1 girl 1

By knit1girl1


Been having a very nice chilled out day with the boys.
We went for a walk down through the glen to the beach and back before lunch. It's been a bit cold and windy today but we weren't prepared for the size of the waves when we got to the beach. The tide was in and we kept getting caught by the waves coming in. They were about 6-8ft in size and I wouldn't want to be out there in a boat. I went for the arty shot as I like the light in this one. However, there's a great one of Rob and Thom walking at the beach edge and the waves look massive.
We did the RSPB garden bird watch this afternoon and had a 500% increase on last year as saw 5 birds. To be fair it may have been 2 birds going in and out a couple of times.
We then watched the second half of the Fellowship of the Ring. It's amazing what can get a PG rating these days. I also caught up on some fashion mags as research and realised I'm happy to not be a dedicated follower of fashion.
Knitting and telly tonight then back to the warping board tomorrow.

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