Chinese Tea Cup

Entry for Mono Monday “negative space”.  It is white and blue and I’ve shown in extras. 
A few years back we had an opportunity to go to China, namely Shanghia.  We aren't big huge city folk, so caught a plane inland and south to the Yellow Mountains (or Huangshan Mountains) and trekked the trails. We landed in Hangzhou and had an overnight there.  This is where this tea cup comes from.....we walked into a teahouse, where we sampled many different varieties, some we brought home.....we also purchased this Chinese Tea Cup, hand-painted.  A real treasure. The other thing we did was have a foot massage, omg!! Now that is an experience I’m not sure I want to repeat ...maybe it had something to do with the language (or lack of it).  Hilarious really, looking back. 

We were out walking really early as the forecast was dismal, however it really didn't come to much.

A big shout out to Jenny from Invercargill and a nurse from Portugal, who got public praise from Boris who nursed him through his darkest times in ICU. 

Stats today
New Cases 19 (yesterday 18)
In hospital 15 (yesterday 14) 5 in ICU,  1 critical 
Recovered 546 (yesterday 471)
Deaths 1 (4 previous) ...3 of these are from the same Aged Care facility
South Canterbury  11 (yesterday 11) ...1 in our local hospital
Total Cases 1349 (yesterday 1330)


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