Day 27 Easter Monday

Spain has lifted some restrictions and allowing construction workers back to work tomorrow
FaceTimed my daughter who was on a daily walk with the dogs and family
had a house party with my son and daughter in law and Abi
Failed to get a picture of the camera shy red kite so you have the dogs and a bluebell instead. And yes Jasper is eating grass. The way those two grub around the garden you would think I never feed them.But honest I do
Watched Malcolm Duncan at Spring Harvest talk about Grief. Very timely for theses time we are n. God never ceases to amaze me at how all the stuff is prepared months in advance but delivered at just the right time.
The temperatures are half what they were yesterday and it felt so cold as the breeze was strong with a chill.
Planted some broad beans. The carrots have germinated, the tomatoes have too and so has the cabbage and cucumbers and parsnips and i think either Radishes or fennel  

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