
“Do we have any small elaborate buttons” I asked Mrs W, “I need one for the Tiny Tuesday challenge.
I did think of blipping the piles of tins full (well half full) of buttons - an accumulation of my mum’s, Pauline’s mum’s and our own spare buttons.  They were all plain, apart from this little one, about 15mm diameter.
I also forgot about preparing before taking a photograph.  A few seconds with a cleaning cloth would have saved a few minutes with the ‘Healing Tool’.  I was almost tempted to take another series of shots.
Today has been a lockdown productive day.  I actually reduced about nine large monitor/computer/tuner/etc boxes from the loft into one (large) box for recycling so that I could get the next three large computer/tuner/etc boxes (plus a couple of small ones) into the loft.  I won’t mention the two wheely-bin liners FULL of the polystyrene packing that is waiting for the council tip to open again!   We always hang onto the boxes of new (expensive) stuff for the guarantee period - plus a few years as it works out!  We can  now (almost) get into the spare bedroom.
Many thanks to MaryElizaR for hosting Tiny Tuesday this month, some excellent challenges.

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