NaPoWriMo2020 Day14

My Shadow and Me

I used to be a mere shadow of myself
but life you see, got in the way
and my shadow grew and grew.
The virus came, following many upsets
And comfort eating goes on.
Some chocolate here, biscuit there, 
maybe a plate of chips.
A small beer, my dear?
Oh yes!  but only one?

And so it goes on,
the bikes are out
on these lovely springtime days.
We cycle to the shop.
that makes us feel good.
Then we garden and dig
and sweep and everything 
looks so neat...

But it doesn't stop the longing and need,
to be a smaller shadow, 
to be a faster cyclist,
to be a trimmer trimmer,
to be less sweaty,
to take fewer pills
and wear those smaller clothes.

One day, when worries are fewer,
the meals will be smaller
the snacks not as many,
and life will go on, 
we will go on,
mere shadows of our former selves.

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