Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

Five Horses

Sunday morning I handle the grocery delivery and go for a short walk. It's a bit icy in unexpected places. A cold and sunny morning. After a warming cup of coffee, I do a short spin on the trainer.

After lunch I have nothing much to do, so I head out for a walk. At Fairmilehead I take a photo looking towards Hillend just as four horses ride on the track from Swanston to Lothianburn. I walk to Camiston Road and get the bus to the bike shop to pick up some pieces before heading home.

As there's still some time to kill, I walk up to Frogston Road to get a bus to  Cameron Toll. Just as I get to the bus shelter near Mounthooly Loan a hail shower comes in, excellent timing there. I meet my partner for afternoon coffee, then we do some shopping before heading home.

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