Daunti's world

By daunti

Sea of shells

It’s been a while. Living in a time of world madness like we all are takes a toll on me from time to time. Some days I’m ok some days, not so much. Some days I just feel stuck and don’t want to do anything. Never ever did I think I would see the likes of it. I had to stop watching the news (it was making me crazy), stop food shopping (we now order and pick up), and the worst part I had to stop meeting with my three soul sisters every now and then (even thou we kept our distance) because I was getting anxiety over these things.
I live across the street from the beach and haven’t been there in two weeks. This morning when I opened my eyes after a restful nights sleep God told me to go to the beach to see the sunrise. I’m so glad I did. I pretty much had the beach to myself. I like it that way, I’m a beach snob. It was a morning filled with beauty, peace, gifts from the sea, and a beach photo shoot, all the things that give me life and recharge me. I so needed it. This was my favorite capture. Shells were everywhere!

Melbourne Beach, Florida
Home away from home

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