A Cozy Home

A bush tit's nest in a friend's cherry tree. I am not sure it is inhabited right now; I didn't see any birds around. She is going to keep and eye on it and let me know if she sees any Bushtits. I think this nest is well secure and may have lasted since last year. See extra.

My grandson is taking a Photography class at College so I took my Cannon camera over for him to us for the term. I loved seeing me daughter and grandchildren; we stood way apart on the front lawn and visited for awhile. It was nice to be with them but weird because we all wondered if it was okay.  I saw the first lesson/homework  of grandson's class; it was very fascinating. I learned about the light meter balance scale......I never even knew what that was for when using the manual setting. I think he will be able to teach me a lot when he is done....or maybe while he is taking the class. I am excited to spend time learning with him.....he is my "study buddy". 

My next door neighbor told me that several people have been complaining about the golfers not social distancing. I know I have mentioned my concerns here......but I promise I never ratted to the management. The neighbor told me the governor was notified about the concerns .....so there might be a shut down. Really I only said something on Blip; so unless the governor is reading my Blips, she didn't hear it from me. 

I now have four unfinished projects in this house. I almost finished organizing my Garden Bench area and I planted some seeds. I haven't had much luck with basil, but I had seeds from last year that I didn't use so I thought I might as well give it a try.  

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