Surveying the talent

Having watched Gok Wan's Style Secrets on TV -

Quote 'With my very own 'how to guide' for attracting the opposite sex, I'll be dishing out advice on what to wear, say and do on a date!'

I decided to use his tip on using a dog to act as an ice breaker to start a conversation with Mr Right - and I tell you what - It blipping well works!

This afternoon I went for a walk with the dog to Dunstable Downs, squally showers and strong winds made for slightly less sexy wear than the girl on his TV programme teetering on heels in a London Park with Gok's Staffie

My first contact was with a family with two small children - the dog ran up to them, barked an invitation for them to play - they were not very impressed. " Sorry about that" Is not a very good chat up line to a married man with wife and kids in tow!!

Next we had a close encounter of the growling kind with a man with a huge German Shepherd dog
"Keep that dog away from mine if you don't want it to get bitten" was his opening line....

As we turned for home we met a charming gentleman by the kissing gate. It was raining and then a wonderful rainbow appeared. We walked down the hill towards the car park, chatting comfortably.
He lives on his own near the Esso Garage in High Street North.
He reminded me of the Grand Old Duke of York because he comes here every day and marches up and down the hill at least 10 times.
He was proud to tell me he is over 80.

Almost back at the car, a couple with an ancient Border Terrier approached and the woman shouted " Is that a girl?"
"Yes!" I called back.
"That's OK , he doesn't like boys" (I assume she was referring to the dog, not her husband.)
"What breed is she?" She asked.
"Labrador Lurcher cross" I replied practicing my interaction and social skills
"She doesn't look like a Labrador"
"I know"
"Are you sure?"
"I can's see any Labrador"
"And I cant see any point in continuing this conversation" I thought!!!!!

The dog pulled...

Towards a ferocious Pit Bull type with a muzzle and a a studded harness. It was a lot more attractive than the guy it was towing along.

I didn't stop to speak to him.

At least the light was gorgeous for a short while.

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