Bright Colors on a Gray Day

Last Wednesday, while Phil was having his one-day post-cataract surgery eye exam, I came across an appealing recipe in one of the magazines in the waiting area, and copied it down.

I'm an avid recipe collector, but not so good about actually trying very many of those recipes, more often than not just following my instincts when making meals (also known here as "playing with food").

However, the combination of kale and a butternut squash in our January 16 Dandelion Organics box, needing to be used soon, and the utter dullness of the weather, spurred me to bring this recipe out today. Maybe the bright colors of yesterday's quilt blip had something to do with it, too!

The recipe is from Puget Consumers Co-op, which has nine stores in the Seattle area; I remember when it had only one, as that's how long ago I started shopping there! I love shopping at co-ops, and was delighted to be able to continue doing so here in Bellingham when we left Seattle 11 years ago.

The combination of wheat berries and chopped kale with roasted butternut squash, portobello mushrooms, and red peppers, tossed with a simple balsamic vinegar and oil dressing, has a wealth of contrasting colors, flavors, and textures, and I think will become a new "house favorite" here!

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