
By GracieG

Bleeding Hearts... more ways than one!!
I'm afraid the cat is in the dog house.  The extra is a collection of feathers from the house and garden.  While M was in the shower and I was out walking, Ziggy caught a wood pigeon and brought it into the house via the conservatory door.  He took it right through the house and into the lounge via the kitchen.  M came out the shower to find feathers everywhere, all over the floor, floating in the air, on the sofa and even stuck to kitchen cupboards.  The unfortunate pigeon had sought refuge between the lounge bookcase and the wall and Ziggy was standing guard over it whilst looking very pleased with himself!
Happily (for the pigeon), M managed to catch it and amazingly it flew off, which was surprising judging by the quantity of its plumage scattered liberally around.  This was just a small selection of it.
We love wildlife and especially birds and thought long and hard before getting a cat and whilst we know he's just 'being a cat' it's still upsetting.  It's a dilemma because we love him to bits and have wanted a cat for many years.  So many cats don't bother with hunting...sadly we've picked one that does, so I expect there will be more drama to come over the summer.

So...mixed feelings today! 

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