Black Cherry

By ABPhotos


I was up late last night watching the last episodes of series 3 Ozark.
Having gone to bed at 2 and woken by my cat Coco at 6, had not enough sleep, but once I'm up ... I just can't go back to sleep.
Just can't, it's very BD behaviour.
One of the main character brother suffered from Bipolar and he was in maniac state for most of the time.
I'm not gonna spoil the end, but I cried a lot when watching him struggling with it.

It really reminded my journey back once I found out I was suffering from it too.
Its amazing how people still perceive BD maniacs crazy, when they are really vulnerable and delicate inside.
It's not their fault they are just a tad different.
For me Photography and especially Macro  has been always close to my heart as its became my tool to recovery and creative theraphy.
A big kiss and a hug to all the BD people out there :)

Get creative, escape into positivity you can only create from inside ...

A xo

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