Chef on the booze

Sunday 19th April 2020

Another successful online service this morning ... although one or two minor technical hitches from the operator! Too much multi-tasking required to lead and run the technology at the same time. 

After providing IT support for another member of the congregation this afternoon, I went out for a bike ride. I decided to go round the village and see what scarecrows I could see but due to recent rain many of them have been taken down. I found a few though. I then went along the linear park but had a problem with the chain coming off the bike and getting stuck. I tried to release it but it wasn't budging. Thankfully I wasn't far from a friend's house so I was able to borrow a screwdriver to prise it out. I did a lot of photography with the phone along the way and I'm pleased with the results. 

The ride must have done me good as I've had renewed energy this evening and completed the ironing and did some tidying up. A good way to start the week. I also managed to fit in an online game with the family.  

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