
By Parsnipcat

I fear I fool myself as well

Tonight, for the first time in two years, I'm auditioning to be IN a show, rather than costuming it or working behind the scenes. Its a two ight "showcase" to be performed in March. The expression "bricking it" comes to mind.

Give me a character, a costume and full make up to hide behind I'm absolutely fine, but ask me to stand on a stage and sing as "me" and it's a different story. It's even more crazy as I will be amongst friends who know me well.

I often wonder why human beings put themselves so far of their comfort zones to do something they enjoy. Freud would have something to say on the subject.

Needless to say I didn't have the best nights sleep last night. Today, the iPod is on, on repeat for subliminal lyric learning as I work and tonight I shall have my brave face on - I hope!

Whistle a happy tune - The King and I

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