Getting ones head straight

I can't believe I've not blipped for 6 days. That is I have taken pictures, but I haven't put them up.

I like lists and made a list of what I had achieved so far since lockdown. I made another list of the stuff that I'd like to do and a third for the stuff that I did in the past year.

Sounds like hard work but it was good to see it on paper.

The wall behind Tom is the one with the damp. I emailed a chap from a local firm and sent some photos in (of the wall). He said he'll get a surveyor to call when he's allowed to, (ie a few weeks). He said it looks like water from the drain on the other side of the wall. The wall is about 250 years old and comprises of 18" thick  solid sandstone. It its on the ground (sand). It has no foundation. We had a problem with another wall, this was rectified drilling holes and filling it with a waterproofing material. Way beyond me, so I'll be letting the professionals do it.

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