My Mini Adventure

By JJ46

The Scream

First day of “remote teaching” and to say I felt like I was fire fighting for most of the time is a bit of an understatement. Thankfully the videos I had pre-prepared and uploaded were good in content but it was a bit hit and miss as to whom could view them... I think the whole country logged in to home school at 9am and everything struggled.

At one point this afternoon I ended up with our IT department remotely taking over my screen to help me fix a problem and give me an emergency tutorial on setting permissions and creating channels in Microsoft Stream and Teams. At which point L decided she needed a wee and could not go without my attendance. I would have passed to N but L had just pretty much knocked him almost unconscious with a big stick and he was lying on the kitchen floor with an ice pack.

What a day!

We did have a brief outing (just L and I while N was working) to do a walk in the woods - which is where she found the big stick.

We pass this tree often and I always think the hole in it looks like the face/mouth in the painting “The Scream” by Edvard Munch. I couldn’t think of anything more appropriate for my blip today.

Tomorrow will be better.

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