More April Blue Skies

The sun continues to shine on Shetland.  Blue skies all day, and probably the warmest day so far.  The temperature plummeted this evening, and a cold, clear night.

After being out in the sun all weekend, it was a welcome break sitting in, and working from home.  More scanning photos and slides.  Popped down to mam's in the late afternoon.  After tea, I headed to the peat hill, and made more progress on my bank.  Almost ready to start casting peats.  Spoke with my pub boss Vera this evening, over the fence.  She's spoken a few times now, when she spies me in the garden.  Walkies with Sammy, and  now feet up for the night.  

I had another load of garden waste to drop off at mam's, and also collected a couple of bags of waar and tang (seaweed) from the beach.  A quick snap looking over mam's neighbourhood, with the lovely blue skies.  Looking like this weather is going to last another week or so, we need it.  Taken at Aith, Cunningsburgh.  

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