I was up early this morning to get my paints and canvas ready for my art class on Zoom at 10 am. Everything went okay at my end but my teacher had problems with his lap top because it crashed. But after half an hour he was back on his computer. I really enjoyed my class and have some home work to do. The female pheasant came into my garden this morning jumping all over my plant pots looking for seeds. You can probably see in my extra she knocked my elephant over lol. The mail pheasant which is on yesterdays blip stayed close to her but he seems to have been in a fight and was limping. I’ve written some facts about pheasants. Pheasants are not native to Britain it’s thought the Romans brought them here. A cock has nothing more to do with the female after mating, as incubation and chick rearing is exclusively the hen’s job. A typical clutch can be anything from 2 to 22 eggs but the largest clutches are usually the result of two hens sharing the same nest. Enjoy the rest of your day blip mates and see you tomorrow.

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