
More painting - this time, the lady toolshed, after the logs were restacked. Is the covid still out there? Half the people are shouting (only on social media obvs) that Boris and his crew are shit and we should have done everything so much earlier and there’s no PPE and the other half are shouting that Nicola and the SNP are shit cos health is totally devolved and we should have done everything so much earlier and there’s no PPE. Me? What I find incredible is that we’ve been subjected to this lockdown now for weeks and there hasn’t been a single piece of advice about how to cut your frigging hair at home! Where do these people live? Planet politician? Useless. And there’s no PPE.

Liked this though, from a Vet, so someone who routinely deals with respiratory infections amongst herds:
Coincidentally, China is undergoing an epidemic of African swine fever that has decimated its pig population. We have extraordinary systems to keep the disease out of the UK – try carrying a pig in your hand luggage through Heathrow. But we happily accepted human traffic from known Covid-19-infected areas without any effective biosecurity, other than a polite request to individuals to voluntarily isolate themselves for a few days on arrival.

More blue skies, more cold wind.

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