Frolicking Seacucumber

By lion2attack

The Revival

Well as I have recently heard that it is almost, if not already, officially spring!

I'm so glad. The weather has been glorious here. Its been quite sunny for the past few days. Today the track team just played frisbee and that was a lot of fun. We did a short jog to the field that we played on. Someone sliced open their knee which was unfortunate...

I came home played some tennis with my sister, walked the dog around the neighborhood, and then took a warm shower and ate pizza. That was a big mistake. I never really realized that I can't have caffeinated drinks because they just make me burp a lot. Prolly all of the pressure from the drink itself. Anyways I better get back on track.

SPRING! alright!
My schedule is beginning to reflect spring rather than winter! huzzah!

Anyone got some cool spring-related stories perhaps?
also...Critiques are welcome!!

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