
By LooseCanon

Earth Day

Today is Earth Day.   In fact it is Earth Day's 50th birthday.

Every year on April 22, people around the world celebrate Earth Day. The day marks the start of the environmental movement in 1970, and for the past 50 years has resulted in policy change and a greater awareness of the environment.

My contribution was to join the Concept 2 rowing challenge.  I contributed 10km to the total attempt to circle the Earth several times on indoor rowers.  At least I got a certificate for my efforts.   It's the furthest I have rowed in one go.

It's interesting that this should coincide with a drastic reduction in air pollution.   Apparently the Himalayas are visible for the first time from the Punjab.  Global CO2 levels have dropped 6% since the lockdown.

The irony is that Earth Day started in the USA 50 years ago,  a country that is now led by a climate change denier who wants everything back how it was,  whatever the cost.

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