Live it loud!

By Lostpixel


But don't look closely.

Spent much of the day working on data, processes, or, as I was here, on conference calls. Well, you have to do something to pass the time....!

How was I on a call I hear you ask - my telephone is still on it's cradle. I rarely use the handset. Instead we have headsets (just like a call centre). It makes long calls (which are frequent - usually two to three hours a day on the average day) a great deal easier to get through, especially if you're working on screen at the same time. You can even still take photos while you're talking. The desk next to mine, as you can see, is the IT guy's desk - two laptops plus two other screens attached to a desk top. He was still spreading out onto adjacent desks. Looks like a land-grab.

No chances of blipping at any other stage during the day. Much of it has been rain and wind outside with roads awash (but thankfully not flooded) on the way home.

The upside of the day - I showed one of the senior managers a photo last week and he asked for a print to put on the wall at home. I showed him a few more this morning and he immediately suggested getting some printed to put around the office (we still don't have anything in the way of decoration after moving in at the start of November). I can see at least half a dozen images of the area around the site adorning the walls in the next few weeks. Hopefully I can get more as the seasons unfold! Not a bad day.

I'd suggest that on this occasion that you don't press "L" otherwise you'll see all the muck and grime that is stuck to my keyboard - Positively disgusting.... Please don't. NO - DONT DO IT!

Too late :-)

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