
I went to the wholesalers to buy a sack of flour to share between a number of us as it remains elusive in the shops. I weighed out what Vikki and I needed then my friend came to collect the rest keeping at an appropriate distance of course to pass on to her baking friends.

As you can see Storm got caught in the cleaning up process. I'm pleased he provided me a fun blip because I didn't take photos of the ducklings as planned. Team Terrier decided they'd like to chase the ducks so we had to keep our distance.

Team Beagle came home thrilled with their game of rolling in fresh cowpats. They were hosed off on the garden before they were allowed in the house.

I've made a start on my flour by making an apple and pear crumble as a thank you to Martin for building a bird feeding station for the garden project.

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