
By Brookeside

After weeks of trying.....

...... I finally got ahold of mums phone .... Case! Maybe next time I will manage to grab the actually phone! Today was a tiring day. I got up an hour earlier than usual and refused to go back to sleep so we got up and tidied the house (well mummy did, I watched Disney junior and played in my jumperoo) then mummy's friends came over with my friends, Daniel, Jacob, Aarae and Brae. It was a bit chaotic with 3 toddlers and 2 babies in our small living room but we all had a great time :) I was good as gold as mummy ran about getting lunch ready and making cups of tea and coffee. When my friends left daddy came home from work and I got to spend time playing with him :) I ended up having an extra nap as I was up a bit early and have ended up later to bed than I have done for a few days. Think mummy's hoping that means I won't be up as early tomorrow morning!!

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