Wood's adventures

By Pippilongstock

Fishy Friday

Their school dinner rota runs on a three week basis, but every Friday is fish. So far we've kept this routine, buying frozen fish fillets that would normally not make it into the basket. They love this bit of normality. So much so, as I type this, I wonder which other bits of "normal" we should be trying harder to recreate.

My work is relentless. I guess A's lack of work is relentless too. Including being the one who occupies. Who "home schools", as much as I fight against 'this' being home schooling. We are keeping them safe. We are trying to stay sane. We are trying to make it OK. That''s it. Sounds simple. It's not.

TWW had some video calls with friends over the last few days. They are, by turns lovely and heartbreaking, and you never know which way it will be. I don't know how a 7 year old should be on a video call...is this normal, is this boastful, is this harder than it should be. Snippets arrive where I'm working "T*** when this is all over will you come and play". And suddenly I am incapable of work. What am I meant to put on my time sheet when I just stare at the screen but nothing comes. 

We are lucky. We are healthy (touchwood). This is hard. 

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