The Edge of the Wold

By gladders


The fresh bright tender young leaves of trees are one of the glories of Spring, preceding the deeper dark greens of Summer. This is where Gus stops for his morning drink from the reservoir that collects in the base of this sycamore stool. But it hasn't rained for over 5 weeks and the water has long since gone, so I'm carrying water and a bowl for him to have his regular drink at this spot.  In the grassland, the grasses and herbs are waiting for the rain to unleash their riotous Spring growth and flowering. The rain will come, it always does  eventually.

The blackbirds had a quieter day in the garden, the netting tents have worked and saved the surviving seedlings.

Today was the littlest fella's 21st birthday. He's not so little now, and he spent much of the day, as much of the preceding couple of weeks, in the lambing sheds. Happy Birthday Stephen (not that he ever has time to read this these days).

Thank you for all the comments, stars and hearts for big chick and father. I shall catch up soon.

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