Solan Stretching

A calm day and dry, but mostly overcast.  

Weekend  off work, and not much to do.  The morning was spent around the house.  Vera popped by for a chat and cuppa over the fence.  I nipped down to mam's in the afternoon, they were needing help on the croft.  Walkies with Sammy this evening.  I baked a lemon drizzle cake tonight, first time baking in years.  It went down well, along with a cuppa.  Feet up by the fire now. 

I was heading to the banks to fetch seaweed for mam's compost, when I spotted a Solan (gannet) sitting on the rocks.  They are often around mam's, but only diving and feeding, so this was unusual.  As he stretched his wings, he didn't look injured.  There are old legends about them coming ashore, due to diving blindness, but apparently this isn't true.  There was another dead Solan washed up not far away, could he be heartbroken from losing a lifetime partner? Poor thing, hope he recovers, whatever tells him.  Taken at Aith, Cunningsburgh.  

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