and through the wire...

By hesscat

Something For The Weekend Ms H?

The blip does not tell the full story....

For about a week, all 3 of us have been considering how to deal with our hair. After watching a BBC video about how to do tidy ups, even I am thinking should I just do it and it'll grow back by the time we get out of this place! Luckily so far, hair clippers are in short supply...

But Ms H had a video meet up with her pals tonight and had been complaining about her split ends and last night I was showing her old photos of her hair. But this morning after breakfast Ms H and Mrs C just got up and went outside and set this scene up - I was unaware and unprepared!

As Mrs C was lining up, I mentioned the video I saw, which basically suggested hair is trimmed in 3 parts part side, with the length being measured from the side and part 3 with the head tipped forward. Having explained that, I then watched Mrs C forget what I said... I asked Ms H if she wanted me to try it... it's some pressure by the way for both us trimmers! So I began by trying to follow my advice, which took about 5 minutes to work how to actually do it, without poking her eyes out. It was pretty tricky, but having a method to follow helped keep it on track - although it did end up a bit shorter than she wanted... who'd a guessed?

We then started discussing her "fringe"... it was once a proper fringe, but was much longer now, and I must have reassured her enough for me to do it. As Ms H went off to wet it then dry it, Mrs C suggested I do her fringe, which was more a side fringe, and I only took off about 2cm and she was happy with it - I could hardly tell the difference!

If you see the fluff of hair and Ms H's feet, that is Jess, not Ms H's hair! And I have no idea what the bucket was for.... I didn't use it.

I've posted a before and after extra - not to suggest I did it well, but to reassure you I didn't mess it up! It was a joint effort, Mrs C was still assisting/advising. The before is obviously wet hair and after is after her "towel dry in a hat" process she uses which always bounces the curls - I'd love to have her curls - I have about 10% of them. Ah... maybe I need to get one of those towels?

As for Ms H's girlfriends' date night, which she went in to her room for about 9.30pm, she is still on it over 3 hours later gabbing away - oh, drink is involved. Apart from messaging in the past 6 weeks, she's not done much other socialising, so it's good they are catching up.

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