No cars!!

Lockdown positives, Less cars, I have not filled up.for 6 weeks normally every 10 days.. Would like the feeling of.filling up when petrol so.low in price.

This is our.road and I enjoy just standing out the front and looking and seeing not.much.going on.
I am astonished at the relax in people about.Covid!! very worrrying, maybe because Mcdonalds reopens drive thur? or B&Q opens??

we.need to.keep in lockdown distanci g.

Note to self to.forget where the fridge is!!!!
Enjoying Alcohol Free, I do these challenges and give my body a break and really the noticable benefits are huge! Better sleep, better mood, More relaxed, More energy, More present in thw now, reduced anxiety.

So lots of.positives of lockdown.
Recommend a book called The Naked Mind by Annie Grace so intersting about alcohol, Science, media her experiences. It really opens your ideas.

Scorcher of a day.. potting on Tomatoe seedlings today.
Love also the productivityof lockdown seeing and hearing what people are doing.. from.oven cleaning to.putting in.bathrooms a note to us all to stay slowed down.

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