
By SadlerStar

Meet Boris

The children have recently been given a Greek tortoise. He is 60 years old and they have decided to call him Boris. He is quite a character, loves human company, especially the children. They stroke his shell which he absolutely loves. He has been given his own area (with a tortoise fence and a house) As you can see he loves to eat Dandelion flowers which are a treat for him. We drove past to give the children an air spinner we bought in Hamleys last year and we have just found in our study. The children wanted us to see Boris. Of course we also went there to collect some fresh eggs. 
Whilst there we checked in on the ducklings which are growing very fast (photos in extras) Hatching and A few  days old
Tonight we are going to fire up the barbecue for supper, a first for this year. I think that the weather is not forecast to be so nice for the rest of the week so today it will be. 
The States of Guernsey do an incredible job of keeping us all informed on the current virus progress. Someone there loves graphs and statistics. If you like to see how testing and contact tracing can work out see here

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