Time to ground this "very stable genius".

During Trump’s carnivalesque daily briefings we’ve learned a lot about some of the conditions that enable the coronavirus to thrive, like incompetence, laziness, and ignorance. But when the President of the United States rambled incoherently about blasting the body with UV light and injecting disinfectant into the lungs, it's was clear that he is deranged.

To make matters worse, the next day he tried to explain it all away with lie # 16,241 – “I was being sarcastic.” But, 12-million people saw him say it live on TV. 
Trump does not have a working understanding of sarcasm, jokes, or medicine. Same for weather, climate, history, law, geography, science, technology, democracy, literature, space, math, and art.

It’s time to remove him from office.  How? The Twenty-fifth Amendment.  It’s like constitutional Lysol.

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