About to turn

By jMcLean

Lily of the Valley

...opening on the walkway between the garage and house. Some azaleas also are opening, and the bleeding hearts that haven't been trampled are still blooming. 

The order for warmer weather came through, and with it some sunshine. Baked some breakfast muffins this morning (savory, with bacon and egg) and did some cleaning and writing. Had a long talk with I. who is finding this time increasingly stressful. We also logged some driving practice. 

FaceTimed with my sister-in-law (W.'s sister) in Tennessee. Her husband's a pediatrician, and practice these days sounds both slower, in terms of the day-to-day appointment schedule, and more fraught, in terms of asymptomatic patients testing positive for the virus. And in terms of finances. She herself used to work as a nurse, and has started the process of reestablishing her credentials.

 Also a colleague of W.'s, who was ill last month, has had a relapse. 

There are days when nothing seems normal, except the unfolding spring, and this was one. Stay safe and well.

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