Fiery Sunrise

Usual scenario this morning reddness peeking thru the
blinds this morning, so I bounced out of bed like an old
a spring chicken, dressing gown on skipped walked
slowly down the stairs, on with the jacket scarf hat boots
out and took a few shots, the sky truly was amazing, back in
bed with a cuppa and watched the news, oh I know how to live.
Went and met G'daughter no 3 who is in the middle of pre
lims, she had a wee break, so that was nice, she said they were
all going well and quite easy, forgot what she was doing today
she wants to work with underpriviliged children when she
leaves school, I hope her dreams come true, she has a big heart
and is a very caring young lady, we need folk like her, I think.
The day started off quite nice 6+ but soon went downhill it's
windy and wet now. If you go large you can our red road, it's l
Lava....... really.....................
Hope your all having a good day.

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