There and back again

By Mikes

New Ink System

On a previous Epson printer I converted it to a CIS (continuous ink system) and was very pleased at the savings I made in ink cost and the quality of the prints. Therefore when I had to update my printer I was pleased to find that although there was not a kit available for it as yet, one was being introduced very soon. I was therefore very pleased when last week I received an emails from their Sales dept asking if I was still interested. I was and ordered a kit straight away.

Today it arrived and I was looking forward to setting it up this evening but on playing the set up CD I found that my printer was not listed. An inquiry at their Technical Dept revealed that in fact the instruction disc for my printer had, as yet, not been produced and I should nor have been sent the kit. They are going to email me some paper instruction while I wait for the disc.

I don't know about you, but when things start to go wrong from the off I start to get bad vibes!!

I am sure everything will go well once its all sorted and you save some 80% in the cost of ink so I can print many more pictures without worrying about the cost all the time. Buying Epson ink cost around 91p per ml and using this CIS kit I will be paying 22p per ml. A saving of over 60p per ml. So fingers crossed!

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