
By lassoothemoon

Nile sunset

A cliche. I know, I know. But I thought I'd get it out of the way at the start of this short Egyptian break.

After a Pharonic feast of a breakfast - fresh felafel anyone? - I had a fairly lazy day, curled up in a hammock by the river's edge reading the wonderful Life of Pi. It is a case of spot the guest here. I have been told that tourism is down a whopping 93%!!! This is great for tourists in terms of seeing the ancient sites relatively crowd-free, but not so great for the many Egyptians who eke out a living from tourism.

Overheard this exchange on the Egyptair flight to Luxor. Picture this ... feeding time ... flight attendants coming around with food trolley. Male flight attendant to lady behind me, "Chicken or beef?".
Lady "Is it chicken casserole or roast chicken?".
FA " It is chicken with rice".
Lady "And the beef?"
Him "With rice"

Made me smile :)

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