Smile If You're Happy...

We ventured slightly farther from home this morning, walking down through the field to Skyhawk, the nearby development where Dana and Jim live, and back home via the street. We came across this little scene in the shade of a tree at the curb.  I'm not quite sure if 'Smile if You're Happy' is quite what  the sign says, but  I'm not too well versed in the 'Despicable Me' plot either. There may be a connection.

Whatever the sign said, how could one resist smiling when we spotted this little Minion across the street with his Mum keeping track of how many people he had gotten to smile...I doubt if he could see much out of his one eye. She told us the whole thing was his idea. It was really nice to see the two of them enjoying their little theatre designed to cheer people up.

We didn't have our happy hour yesterday, because Dan, who is a beekeeper had captured a swarm and needed to transfer it to his hives. According to Tobi he was SUPER excited.She was less so, I suspect. We changed it to today, but have just postponed it again to tomorrow because it is cloudy, blustery and not very inviting for shouting at each other across the approved distance. We thought we'd sit up under the arbor where we have a fire pit, but it's not going to provide much warmth if we have to sit 6 feet away from it. 

We'll try again tomorrow. Or maybe just take the hint from Mother Nature who seems to have had it with us poor mortals.

I mopped the floors instead. Not nearly as pleasant but badly needed.

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