Groningen city

Alarm clock at 04.15 am this morning.
There was a mill waiting to be captured during sunrise. The White Mill near Groningen, alongside the A28 to be exact.
The weather forcasts looked promising. It should be half cloudy during sunrise (at 05.55 am).
Peter and I met at a small parking space near the mill but luck wasn't with us. Totally overcast, no colours in the sky and on top of that there were three cars parked next to the mill and also a huge brown fisherman tent was blocking our view. Bummer!!

We rescheduled our plans and went back to Groningen. We were totally alone. No people, no cars, no sounds even. Only the birds were singing.
A weird experience.
I flew my drone for a short while near the striking building of the Gasunie. It's been on my wishlist for a long time, but it's always much to crowded to fly in the city. This time I took my chance.
I like the photo, but it lacks the light of the rising sun. Maybe I'll give it a go another time. For now I'm satisfied with the photos I made today.

I had to get my drone down because it was attacked by two angry and noisy oyster catchers. Somehow those birds can't stand a drone.

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